Comparison HTC Radar 4G vs Lumia 710

Comparison HTC Radar 4G vs Lumia 710 If you have to choose between HTC Radar 4G or Lumia 710 about which one would you choose? Perhaps HTC Radar 4G will be your choice?

Here are 7 reasons to choose HTC Radar 4G than Lumia 710:

HTC Radar 4G vs Lumia 710

1. Display Size: 3.8 display HTC Radar 4G has a point greater than Lumia 710 which has a display 3.7. But the differences that affect the Windows Phone.

2. Form factor and quality: aluminum HTC Radar 4G Touch much nicer than the plastic on Lumia 710. The white color HTC Radar 4G looks more elegant than a dark screen that is easy Lumia 710 tasted so so dirty fingerprints.

3. Battery capacity: HTC Radar 4G has an integrated battery 1520 mAh 1300 mAh while Lumia 710 only. HTC Radar 4G battery power longer than Lumia 710.

4. Button capacity: the capacity of HTC Radar 4G easier operation than having to press a physical button or sliding.

5. Ease: HTC Radar 4G has a fold that allows you to control audio volume even in your pocket.

6. WiFi hotspots: hotspots HTC Radar 4G has a function in Mango WP software, while Lumia 710 get this by way of updating.

7. Front camera: This is not a feature that is important but the front camera can be operated by Tango on HTC Radar 4G and with the release of Skype would be better.

Comparison HTC Radar 4G vs Lumia 710 Rating: 4.5 Post by: dasa