100 Escaper Level 9 - 10

How to pass 100 escaper level 9 and 10 ? although quiet complicated because game player have to pickup and combine many items , you can beat the levels using our guide.

100 escaper level 9

100 escaper 9

game steps
1. Pick up knife and TV remote control from shelves beside TV set
2. Use knife to cut bottom shelf beside sofa then pickup solder tool
3. Pickup screwdriver from window
4. Tap right side TV then open the cover by screwdriver
5. Use solder to pickup chips from TV
6. Pickup red item from remote control (use screwdriver)
7. Zoom table pickup the cover
8. Open remote then place chips on it. (green chip to right, yellow chip to left, purple chip to bottom
9. Mix red item+cover then key chain remote
10. Now you can open the door of "100 escaper level 9"

100 escaper 9

100 escaper level 10

100 escaper level 10

Game hints

  1. Pickup these items : bottle, cup, knife
  2. Tap cup to salt
  3. now make the bottle arangement on the shelves is match to the color code
  4. or tap like this
  5. Top row : 2-3-1-14-6-5
  6. Middle row : 7-4-2-1-3-3
  7. Bottom row : 4-2-3-14-5-2
  8. look at the picture below for the right arrangement
  9. You will get reward : 2 bottles

100 escaper 10
"100 escaper level 9" and 10

10. Pickup : juicer tools, lime, ice
11. Tap knife+lime
12. Tap knife+ice
13. Tap lime+juicer
14. pour 2 bottles of alcohol to glass
15. put ice
16. tap top mixer and glass
18. place lime to glass
19. give the glass to the master (hole on the door)

Now you have finishing 100 escaper level 9 and 100 escaper 10. Please go to next game guide.

100 Escaper Level 9 - 10 Rating: 4.5 Post by: dasa