100 Escapers Level 32

This is mobile game guide for 100 escapers level 32 with text and image explanation. The app is run on Android smartphone and maybe will be available fo iOS paltforms which means can be played on iPhone on iPad.

100 escapers level 32

Before explaining 100 escaper level 32, let's see previous level (31)
In this level

pick up wire tool, box, pliers, toolbox, saw, screwdriver tip
cut wood from table leg
takeout scres from panel
open top drawer take 2 tools
put alltools in toolbox then use the toolbox to electic panel, Open the door

That's for level 31 while for 100 escapers level 32 game guide please wait until the developer update the game

100 Escapers Level 32 Rating: 4.5 Post by: dasa